여성알바 업소알바 고소득알바 바알바 룸알바

여성알바 업소알바 고소득알바 바알바 룸알바

“There’s no reason to wait any longer since the money

has arrived.”***About 100,000 people live in Count Jamie

’s territory. Of course, this large number of people do n

ot live in a large piece of land.About 60,000 people spre

ad out in a circle in the east, west, 유흥알바 south, and north arou

nd the castle where Count Jamie resides, and the rest live

in several villages that are about two or three days away.

Although they are dispersed, even Rudin, who lived a mod

ern life, could not easily see the number of 60,000.Rudin w

alked down the street after leaving the mansion and kept l

ooking around.Children running and playing in the wide o

pen streets, merchants pulling carts to sell goods from far

away, and mercenaries following them to protect the merc

hants.The Count’s territory was full of energy.It certainly co

uld not be equated with the Middle Ages on Earth. It had p

roductivity that was incomparable to the Middle Ages on E

arth.“It’s a lively place no matter when I see it.”“It’s the foun

dation that supports Count Jamie’s power. The wheat that po

urs out from the plains is more than enough to feed all the

people of the territory. It’s not enough to call it a logistics h

ub, but if you want to go to some territories, you have to

pass through here.”“Looking at this, I think your father’s wea

lth is quite large. But isn’t it one of the top five in the territory?”

“Hehehe. There’s a saying that regret is always too late.”“That

’s enough. Just use the money you receive well.”Robert didn’t

know about Rudin’s plan yet. He would naturally find out if h

e followed him anyway, but he trembled with an uncontrollabl

e interest. What kind of actions would this extraordinary you

ng master show?“Where are you going now, young master?”

“To the government office.”“Yes?”“If you want to make mo

ney, you have to report to the government office first.”The com

mercial management department, a department of the govern

ment office, is always crowded with people from the moment i

t opens to the moment it closes. This is the busiest departmen

t in the government office, as it is a place where those who w

ant to do business in the Jamier County must visit.Sometimes,

there are people who do not report in order to avoid taxes, but

if caught, it is a serious crime that can cost them their lives.

At least in this world, if you want to evade taxes, you have t

o risk your life.Today, a boy showed up in the Commercial M

anagement Department, which was busy with various permit

s and dealing with merchants from outside the country, acc

ompanied by an old gentleman.At each table lined up in a r

ow, employees of the Commercial Management Department

were dealing with merchants without hesitation.Rudin looked

around and stood in the line that seemed to have the fewest people.